Let's talk about 10Ā key factors that can help you reduce the effects of stress on your health!

Join our premium stress management course: "The science behind your stress"

Invest in your health!


You CAN become better at stress management!

None of us are born knowing how to manage stress! It is something that we have to learn.

This course will help you get from point “A” (no idea on how to deal with the stress in your life), to point “B” (know how you can modify the way you respond to stress, and your health-behavior related to stress).

The information In this course aims to help you understand your stress response and its health consequences, and identify modifiable factors in the way you live and your behavior that can lead to a change in your relationship with stress and stressful conditions.

This 2-week course will be offered in English and includes 2 live Q&A group sessions (in English or Spanish), several quizzes, and online classes that you can take at your own pace.

Classes will vastly explain:

- The stress response and what we have defined as the "STRESS ZONES".

- The effects of acute and chronic stress on your health

- Our ENSURE & SCoRE stress management method, which includes 10 modifiable key-factors that can help you adjust your behavior related to stressful situations and cope adaptively to stress.

This is not the usual stress management course. This is a course that seeks to promote stress awareness and changes in your health-behavior, and consequently, help you decrease the effects of everyday stress on your health.

We are all under stressful situations, but rarely do we recognize that stress may be increasing our chances for ill health.

Learn how to take control of your stress before it takes control of your health.

Enroll now! You will learn so much!

3 monthly payments

50% Complete

Two Step

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